Category Archives: Prague


I am in Prague for a few days. It is great to be back here after almost a year. Landing at the recently renamed Vaclav Havel airport felt like coming home.
I am here to visit Vince who is one of the students on Tilsey College’s Stepping Out programme. He is working as youth worker for ICP. But it is also great to be able to stay with my brother, Trevor, and his family. Trevor is one of the elders at ICP and the church’s Director of Community and Family Ministries.
So had a busy day yesterday talking with various people about Vince’s placement. Made more enjoyable that it meant spending time with friends. Great to catch up with people like Dan, Hugh and Deanne, Mike and Nicki, and Job and Jana. Good friends whose friendship we value greatly.
Yesterday evening I went to Youth Praha. Great to see so many young people coming together to worship God together.
Tomorrow I’m off to the ICP morning service which I’m looking forward to immensely. Meeting more friends afterwards and then back to Motherwell in the evening.

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